Chapati is a plain flour made bread. It can be eaten
just with tea, or as main dish with any sauce, or can be
prepared as snack (filling it with vegetables or salads).
500g White Flour
Quater Teaspoon Salt
180ml Water (Approximately)
150ml Vegetable Oil
Sizeable Frying Pan
A Rolling Pin
Cooking Instructions:
1. Sift flour into a bowl, pour water and mix to make a firm dough.
2. Knead dough on a hard surface until smooth.
3. Divide the dough into 4 - 5 pieces ( like a small size orange).
4. With the rolling-pin roll each piece flat on a floured surface into a
17cm or more (should be very thin)
5. Then apply the vegetable oil evenly.
6. Cut the thin flat dough in the middle to have 2 halves (that will make 2 pieces of chapati).
7. Then fold each cut piece separately to make a tennis-ball size dough or smaller.
8. Roll the tennis size ball dough again into a small round piece (flat but this time not very thin). Its now ready for frying.
9. Now heat the frying pan until hot at first, then once you start frying you can reduce heat so the chapatis wont burn.
10. Put the piece onto the frying pan. (At the same time roll the next piece so that when ones done you are ready to add another piece).
11. Turn the piece of chapati around when its a bit brown.
12. Once both sides are a bit brown, add a table spoon vegetable and keep turning
until both sides are golden brown.